Anuja Dutta

For close to five years now – as an independent research scholar based in Calcutta – Anuja has found herself fascinated by the implications of haunting as a method for redressing imperial and local history. She tries and looks at it primarily through the lens of geography; how spaces – everyday, banal, and even moribund zones of existence – can create their own meanings through a method which has, for the longest time, been recognized massively through cultural responses of dread and apprehension. Intrinsic to horror both as a theoretical concept and a mass-produced cultural commodity, Anuja studies the relationships between haunting and the economy (which produces it) as tied to a sense of agenda, purpose, whatever those may be. As a student who has simultaneously practiced photography for more than 10 years, Anuja mostly sticks to monochrome to re-read spaces and people as mutually constitutive of – and haunted by – each other. Graduating and specialising in the social sciences and literature from Presidency College and Jadavpur University respectively, Anuja also has a penchant for cult Hollywood movies.