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Li Actuallee

liactuallee is an interdisciplinary emerging artist, who graduated from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honors in 2016, and recently received a postgraduate diploma in Aesthetics, Criticism and Theory from Jnanapravaha, Mumbai. li is a queer being with a diverse cultural background, and a practicing yoga teacher, which gives them a distinctive perspective on the world around them. li’s work deals with interconnections of contemporary discourses of gender, race and cultural displacement; and more pressingly ecology, and the ongoing climate crisis. Through repetitive patterns of movement and line, li is informed by the connection of aesthetic and spiritual transformative practice, li currently explores fluidity of networks and systems  of Natureculture in mixed media drawings. In the last year of the pandemic, li created multiple zines, and painted a public mural in their neighborhood in Bandra, Mumbai. li continues to teach yoga virtually and is currently working on a new body of work, trying to find their South Asian Queer voice in times of corona.