Until very recently the discourse on Mental Health has remained on the margins. With almost an exponential increase in the numbers of those affected and therefore a rapid growth in the awareness, largely through social media, there is a rising need for well-trained and more accessible mental health professionals
As an organisation constantly exploring all aspects of contemporary culture, we at G5A understand the impact of culture on mental health and vice versa
While we’ll continue to curate and collaborate on programs and conversations on Mental Health around the year, we see the need and scope for a deeper engagement with professionals within this field
With this shared belief, we are excited to collaborate with Mindfield, a collective of highly-qualified and trained psychoanalysts, for a specially designed 16-session intensive short-term training course for mental health professionals
To apply please fill-in this form
Last date to apply: September 13, 2019
If you wish to know more, please write to us at info@g5a.org