On Space and Presence | Feldenkrais Method and Creative Movement Workshop
On Space and Presence | Feldenkrais Method & Creative Movement Workshop by Michel Casanovas
2 day workshop
Dancer, choreographer, Michel Casanovas, will be conducting a two day workshop on body-mind exploration through movement. The Feldenkrais method uses gentle, mindful movement to bring new awareness and realign connections between the brain and the body. This workshop is open to dancers and non-dancers – anyone interested in exploring and deepening the connection between the brain and the body, through mindful movement should attend!
Please note: participants are requested to carry their own mats and towels
Passes available on Insider.in
During this workshop, bringing back the body in resonance with inner and outer space, through body-mind exploration with the Feldenkrais method and the creative movement approach, we will support participants to discover a deeper dimension, where one feels at the same time more strong and more fragile, alone and unique, as well as totally connected and related to the world. And from there, from this flow, the dance can emerge, maybe…
“In my work as performer, I like to explore around the sense
and the quality of the presence, while moving or not. At which point
can we find a true expression of ourselves in the sense of a direct
and a pure one, not diluted in transmission, in our dance, our acting,
but also and simply in our daily presence in the world?”
– Michel Casanovas
About Michel Casanovas
Dancer, Choreographer, Feldenkrais practitioner. His work, based on strong thematics in human being condition, reveals a sensitive and creative approach of dance through specific movement research and improvisation. Besides his artistic work and research, Michel’s interests are in teaching dance and body-mind explorations in a functional and practical way, he is a certified practitioner in Feldenkrais Method since 2008. Since 2006, he has been regularly teaching contemporary dance and Feldenkrais in India, working with dancers, and non-dancers, in Bangalore, Bombay, Calcutta, Dehli and Jorhat in Assam. Since 2015, he is also working through the organistion ONA based in South of France in the city of Collioure.