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walky talky

Illustrations by Jeffrey Phillips

My favourite subject to draw is people. In groups, or on their own. Sometimes their whole body, and other times just a finger. I draw them in airports, bars, and while waiting to cross the road.

People are also the most challenging because they are never still, they are always on the move. Everyone is always going somewhere.

But I don’t mind, because that’s where my favourite drawings are. Mid-step, mid-speech, mid-chew, mid- fall, mid-putting-on-your-face-mask…

I have travelled to distant places and I drew the people there. And I drew the ones right here too. Maybe one day when you’re on the move, I’ll draw you.

walky talky
walky talky
walky talky
walky talky
walky talky
walky talky
walky talky