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S24 / 25




Year 03



S24 / 25




Year 03



the sound diagrams

Video Exploration by Shubham Aggarwal

Notice how the universe has a certain visual pattern to it? Our planet is round. So is an atom and a sunflower –and that snowball you like to hit your little brother with.

But what if they weren’t? What if we could design a planet, would it still be round?

The universe has an existing design for whatever cosmic reason, but who said we can’t play around with it a little bit? To be honest, experiencing design in forms that don’t already exist, excites the life in me. My work has always been a space for experimentation.

A plague-struck world and a little too much time on my hands, allowed me to dive deep into the world of generative visuals. Right off the bat, I was driven by the idea of abandoning any existing notions of how things should be, and letting the algorithms take over. The result was a mix of everything that I hold close to myself: music, nature, sounds, science – drawn on a piece of paper.

I used a handful of found sounds from nature in order to create visual soundscapes. The base form I chose was circular because, you know, snowballs. The patterns they form are incredibly beautiful and unique. I like to think of them as a type of natural atomic code; of the mountains, of the rain, of the beach.

If we were to send a new Voyager probe into space, maybe this could be on its golden record. For someone who’s never seen the world as it exists or has been forced away from it, hopefully, The Sound Diagrams will empower them to build one.

We don’t always have to consume the world as it appears, sometimes it’s good to just have fun with it.

The Sound Diagrams is a collection of audio-reactive visual patterns from some of nature’s most incredible sounds.